Speaker Details

[more info about the speakers will be announced here]

Joshua Tenenbaum

Joshua B. Tenenbaum


Prof. Joshua B. Tenenbaum is a Professor of Computational Cognitive Science in the Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT, a principal investigator at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), and a thrust leader in the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM). His research centers on perception, learning, and common-sense reasoning in humans and machines, with the twin goals of better understanding human intelligence in computational terms and building more human-like intelligence in machines. The machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms developed by his group are used by hundreds of science and engineering groups around the world. Tenenbaum received his PhD from MIT in 1999, and was an Assistant Professor at Stanford University from 1999 to 2002 before returning to MIT. His papers have received awards at the Cognitive Science (CogSci), Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), and NeurIPS, among others. He has given invited keynote talks at all of the major machine learning and artificial conferences. He is the recipient of the Early Investigator Award from the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology from the American Psychological Association, and the Troland Research Award from the National Academy of Sciences, and is a fellow of the Society of Experimental Psychologists and the Cognitive Science Society. He has been involved as a program committee member/chair and/or has co-organized several workshops at machine learning, computer vision and cognitive science venues.

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Heng Ji

Heng Ji


Prof. Heng Ji is a professor at Computer Science Department, and an affiliated faculty member at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Coordinated Science Laboratory of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She is an Amazon Scholar. She is the Founding Director of Amazon-Illinois Center on AI for Interactive Conversational Experiences (AICE). She received her B.A. and M. A. in Computational Linguistics from Tsinghua University, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science from New York University. Her research interests focus on Natural Language Processing, especially on Multimedia Multilingual Information Extraction, Knowledge-enhanced Large Language Models and Vision-Language Models. She was selected as a "Young Scientist" by the World Laureates Association in 2023 and 2024. She was selected as "Young Scientist" and a member of the Global Future Council on the Future of Computing by the World Economic Forum in 2016 and 2017. She was named as part of Women Leaders of Conversational AI (Class of 2023) by Project Voice. The other awards she received include two Outstanding Paper Awards at NAACL2024, "AI's 10 to Watch" Award by IEEE Intelligent Systems in 2013, NSF CAREER award in 2009, PACLIC2012 Best paper runner-up, "Best of ICDM2013" paper award, "Best of SDM2013" paper award, ACL2018 Best Demo paper nomination, ACL2020 Best Demo Paper Award, NAACL2021 Best Demo Paper Award, Google Research Award in 2009 and 2014, IBM Watson Faculty Award in 2012 and 2014 and Bosch Research Award in 2014-2018. She was invited to testify to the U.S. House Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, & IT Committee as an AI expert in 2023. She was selected to participate in DARPA AI Forward in 2023. She was invited by the Secretary of the U.S. Air Force and AFRL to join Air Force Data Analytics Expert Panel to inform the Air Force Strategy 2030, and invited to speak at the Federal Information Integrity R&D Interagency Working Group (IIRD IWG) briefing in 2023. She is the lead of many multi-institution projects and tasks, including the U.S. ARL projects on information fusion and knowledge networks construction, DARPA ECOLE MIRACLE team, DARPA KAIROS RESIN team and DARPA DEFT Tinker Bell team. She has coordinated the NIST TAC Knowledge Base Population task 2010-2020. She is the Chief Editor of Data Intelligence Journal, and served as the associate editor for IEEE/ACM Transaction on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, and the Program Committee Co-Chair of many conferences including NAACL-HLT2018 and AACL-IJCNLP2022. She was elected as the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL) secretary 2020-2023. Her research has been widely supported by the U.S. government agencies (DARPA, NSF, DoE, ARL, IARPA, AFRL, DHS) and industry (Amazon, Google, Bosch, IBM, Disney).

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Ranjay Krishna

University of Washington

Prof. Ranjay Krishna is an Assistant Professor at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering. His research lies at the intersection of computer vision and human computer interaction. This research has received best paper, outstanding paper, and orals at CVPR, ACL, CSCW, NeurIPS, UIST, and ECCV, and has been reported by Science, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, and PBS NOVA. His research has been supported by Google, Amazon, Cisco, Toyota Research Institute, NSF, ONR, and Yahoo. He holds a bachelor's degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering and in Computer Science from Cornell University, a master's degree in Computer Science from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University. He teaches machines to see like people and interact with people. As modern machines struggle to fully conceptualize the visual world, his research bootstraps machine learning using frameworks from behavioral and social sciences.

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