Multimodal Algorithmic Reasoning


In Conjunction with Computer Vision, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Conferences

About MAR

About MAR

In the MAR workshops, we plan to gather researchers working in neural algorithmic learning, multimodal reasoning, and cognitive models of intelligence to showcase their cutting-edge research, discuss the latest challenges, as well as bring to the forefront problems in perception and language modeling that are often overlooked but are pivotal in achieving true artificial general intelligence. An emphasis of the workshops is on the emerging topic of multimodal algorithmic reasoning, where a reasoning agent is required to automatically deduce new algorithms/procedures for solving real-world tasks, e.g., algorithms that use multimodal foundational models for analysis, synthesis, and planning, new approaches towards solving challenging vision-and-language mathematical (Olympiad type) reasoning problems, deriving winning strategies in multimodal games, procedures for using tools in robotic manipulation, etc. We hope to deep dive into this exciting topic at the intersection of multimodal learning and cognitive science to understand what we have achieved thus far in machine intelligence and what we are lacking in relation to the human way of thinking -- through talks from outstanding researchers and faculty that could inspire the audience to search for the missing rungs on the ladder to true intelligence.

MAR Series

In Conjunction with the Following Conferences